Drop Off/Pick UP
Car Line: PikMyKid Information
- Each NEAAAT Students will be issued a card with their number.
- Additional cards may be requested.
- Cars will display the card when picking up students.
- Parents will have the ability to go online and make transportation changes.
- Vehicles will drive up through aisle 4 and drop off at the main entrance.
- Pull forward as far as possible before you stop.
- Ensure students have their belongings and are READY to get out of the vehicle.
- Encourage students to move quickly in the car line.
- Drop off students in the car line ONLY, not the parking lot.
- Do NOT drop students off at the bus entrance.
- Students will be dismissed at 3:15.
- Vehicles will enter the car line from the west side of the school. (NOT from the Belk’s side)
- Cars will stop before aisle 5 to allow buses to exit. A monitor will be stationed at this point to direct traffic.
- PULL FORWARD as far as you can before you pick up your student.
- Please, for the safety of all students, do not park in the parking lot to pick up students. Wait in the car line.
- Students who walk may leave by the Bus Entrance doors after all buses have departed the parking lot.
- To place your student on the walker list, sign the following form and return it to the office. Walker Permission Form
- For safety reasons, walkers are not dismissed until all buses have departed.
- Do NOT park in the road or fire lane in front of or behind Belk’s to pick up your student.
- Do NOT park in the NEAAAT parking lot to pick up students.